一、发展历史早在本世纪初,法国、德国和美国就已进行了用锤打法生产铝箔的首批试验。此类成型的铝薄片没有规划,成本又高,所以人们就放弃了这种方法。1905年,瑞士的建筑钳工阿尔弗雷德·高奇申请了用轧制法生产铝箔的专利。高奇用热水加热的轧制圆筒生产出成垛的铝薄板,厚度是0.05毫米。高奇的专利很快就被其他企业所采用。 1910年之后,罗伯特·维克多·奈尔和
First, the history of development As early as the beginning of this century, France, Germany and the United States have carried out the first batch of experiments using the hammer to produce aluminum foil. Such shaped aluminum sheet is not planned, the cost is high, so people have given up this method. In 1905, the Swiss fitter Alfred Kozy applied for a patent for the production of aluminum foil by rolling. Gauchy used hot water to heat the rolled cylinder to produce a stack of sheets of aluminum with a thickness of 0.05 mm. High odd patent soon adopted by other companies. After 1910, Robert Victor Nair and