金耳(Tremella aurantialba)是一种稀有野生名贵食、药用菌.金耳富含胶质,滑润爽口,是高级宾宴上的名贵佳肴,也是补益身心、延年益寿的滋补珍品.野生金耳分布于云南、四川、福建、山西、西藏等地.生长于初夏和晚秋的阔叶树枯木上.1982年,我所在山西中条山采得野生金耳子实体,经分离、纯化,选得8254优良菌株,并驯化段木栽培成功,亦可代料栽培.在自然环境下,我省一年可栽培一次.本文总结了山西高寒山区段木栽培金耳的高产技术,现介绍如下:
Tremella aurantialba is a rare wild elixir of food and medicinal fungus.Gold ear is rich in glory, smooth and refreshing, is a luxury dinner feast dishes, but also replenishing the body and mind, longevity nourishing treasures. In Yunnan, Sichuan, Fujian, Shanxi, Tibet and other places.Flowering in the early summer and late autumn on the deadwood of broad-leaved trees.In 1982, my company in Shanxi Zhongtiaoshan Wild Aurantide collected, isolated, purified, selected 8254 strains , And domestication section of wood cultivation success, but also substituting material cultivation.In natural environment, our province can be cultivated once a year.This paper summarizes the alpine mountain section of Shanxi cultivation of gold ear technology, are as follows: