四川省控办 省计经委 省财政厅 省人行 省商业厅 省公安厅转发全国控办等部门《关于违反控制社会集团购买力规定的处理暂行办法》的通知

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现将全国控办、国家计委、国家经委、财政部、中国人民银行、商业部、公安部(87)控购字第10号《关于违反控制社会集团购买力规定的处理暂行办法》转发给你们,经商得有关部门的同意,作如下补充,请一并按照执行。在执行中有什么问题和改进意见,请随时告诉我们,以便在执行一段时间后再进行补充和修订。一、各单位应按照核定的社会集团购买力指标执行,不得超过。如有超过,其超过部分行政事业单位从经费包干结余或预算外资金中解决,不得在当年经费内报销,并相应扣减其下年度控购指标;企业用自有资金解决,不得挤入成本、费用,如有挤入的,在征收所得税时予以扣除。对超过控购指标情节严重的,除作上述处理外,还要在“超过控购指标金额”范围内适当处以罚款,并追究单位领导人的责任;对行政事业单位还要由各级财政部门相应 We hereby forward to you, the National Control Commission, the State Economic Commission, the State Economic Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the PBC, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Public Security (87) Controlling the Purchase No. 10 Interim Measures for the Violation of the Provisions on the Control of Purchasing Power of Social Groups , The business department concerned with the consent of the following supplement, please follow the implementation. Please do not hesitate to let us know if there are any problems in the implementation and suggestions for improvement so as to be supplemented and revised after a period of time has passed. First, all units should be in accordance with the approved purchasing power index of social groups, shall not be exceeded. If exceeded, some of its administrative units will be resolved from the balance of funds or extrabudgetary funds, shall not be reimbursed within the funds for the current year, and shall be correspondingly deducted from their purchasing control targets for the next fiscal year; and the enterprises shall use their own funds to solve the problems and shall not be squeezed into the costs Expenses, if squeezed, shall be deducted when the income tax is levied. Exceed the purchase control index plot is serious, in addition to the above-mentioned treatment, but also in the “amount of control indicators over the amount of ” appropriate fine, and hold the unit leader’s responsibility; the administrative institutions should also be at all levels Corresponding financial department
《上海市职工教育条例》已由上海市第八届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十四次会议于一九八八年一月九日通过,现予公布,自一九八八年七月一日起施行。 The Shanghai Workers