通过对SPOT卫星影像上地表破裂的目视解译,以及对ALOS PALSAR卫星数据进行D-InSAR形变提取和分析,结合地震活动性、震源机制、活动构造等资料,确定了发震断层空间分布、断层性质和同震形变场分布特征.结果显示,玉树地震发生在甘孜玉树断裂带上,总体走向约为300°,断层近乎直立.根据相干性强弱将Ⅰ区地表破裂划分为三段:北段长22 km,中段长5 km,南段长6 km,破裂带总长度约33 km.Ⅱ区内非相干带长约10 km.同震形变场分布在78 km×55 km范围内,主震所在的形变Ⅰ区断层两侧视线向相对位错约为0.78 m,转换成水平位错约为1.5 m;余震所在的Ⅱ区形变相对较小.
Through the visual interpretation of the surface rupture on the SPOT satellite images and the D-InSAR deformation analysis and extraction of the ALOS PALSAR satellite data, the spatial distribution of the seismogenic fault was determined based on the seismic activity, focal mechanism and active tectonics. Fault characteristics and coseismic deformation field.The results show that the Yushu earthquake occurred on the Yushu fault zone of Ganzi with an overall strike of about 300 ° and an almost upright fault.According to the strong coherence, The section length is 22 km, the middle section is 5 km, the southern section is 6 km, and the total length of the rupture zone is about 33 km. The incoherent zone in area Ⅱ is about 10 km long. The coseismic deformation field is distributed in a range of 78 km × 55 km, The relative dislocation of line of sight on both sides of the fault zone Ⅰ where fault is located is about 0.78 m, and the horizontal displacement is about 1.5 m. The deformation of zone Ⅱ where aftershock is relatively small.