中国推行简化汉字已经30多年,作为书写和印刷规范已成定制,繁体汉字早已规定不再登大雅之堂。 但是在新方志中用繁体汉字印刷的现象却越来越多,大有逐步泛滥之势。最近翻看了一些新方志(特别是河北省的新方志),一般志书前面的图照说明文字都是用的繁体字。有的志书封面题字、目录也都是用的繁体字。我问这些志书的主编为何在这
It has been more than 30 years since China implemented simplified Chinese characters. As a standard for writing and printing, it has become a custom. Traditional Chinese characters have long been no longer accepted. However, there are more and more phenomena of printing traditional Chinese characters in the new chronicles, which have greatly expanded the trend. Recently read some new local records (especially in Hebei Province, the new chronicles), General Chi books in front of the captions are used in traditional Chinese characters. Some inscription cover book, the directory is also used in traditional Chinese. I asked why the chief editor of these books is here