7月23日,波音公司宣布已经完成了737 MAX 8的确认构型。之后,737 MAX项目将进入详细设计阶段。详细设计完成并发布后,将进入制造阶段。737 MAX8预计于2015年开始总装,2017年第三季度开始交付。737 MAX的燃油效率将比当前最高效的单通道飞机提高13%,而且每座油耗比未来竞争机型低8%。飞机构型包括针对737 MAX所优化的LEAP-1B发动机、重新设计的尾锥和能够降低油耗的“先进技术”翼梢小翼。其他变化包括驾驶舱显示器升级、电动引气系统和电传扰流板飞行控制。
July 23, Boeing announced that it has completed the confirmation configuration of the 737 MAX 8. After that, the 737 MAX project will go into the detailed design phase. Detailed design is completed and released, will enter the manufacturing phase. The 737 MAX8 is scheduled to begin final assembly in 2015 and begin delivery in the third quarter of 2017. The fuel efficiency of the 737 MAX will increase by 13% over the most efficient single-aisle aircraft currently available and each fuel consumption is 8% lower than future competing models. Aircraft configurations include the LEAP-1B engine optimized for the 737 MAX, a redesigned tail cone and Advanced Technology Winglets that reduce fuel consumption. Other changes include cockpit display upgrades, electric bleed air systems and fax spoiler flight control.