管好用好提留统筹 切实减轻农民负担

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最近,我们对儋州市、临高县减轻农民负担问题进行了专项调查。从调查的情况来看,儋州市、临高县按照中央和省委、省政府的安排部署,认真抓好减轻农民负担工作,领导重视、责任明确、措施得力、制度健全、工作扎实成效明显。一、成立了减负领导小组,责任明确,各部门相互配合,齐抓共管。据调查,儋州市、临高县的市县、乡镇、村三级都健全减负领导小组,由党政一把手亲自抓。临高县共成立20个办公室,配备了专职人员48人,16个乡镇农经站已经配备了站长。由于各级领导重视,组织机构健全,措施得力,减负工作富有成效。1998年全县提取“两费”预算494.9万元,实际完成395.2万元,农民人均实际承担“两费”14.6元,占上年人均纯收入的1.1%(其中农业乡镇占2.2%)。儋州市1998年全市村提留乡统筹费预算2484.6万元,农民人均承担“两费”55.71元,占上年人均纯收入的3%,实际完成2346万元,农民人均实际承担“两费”50.7元,占上年人纯收入的2.7%。两个市县的“两费”收取率较高,但都严格控制在国务院规定的5%最高限额之内。二、“三项制度”得到贯彻落实。“预决算”、“登记证”和“专项审计制度”是管好用好“两费”的前提条件。而“两 Recently, we conducted a special investigation on the issue of alleviating the peasants’ burden in Danzhou City and Linge County. According to the investigation, Danzhou City and Lincoln County deployed themselves in accordance with the arrangement of the Central Government, Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, earnestly implemented the task of alleviating the peasant’s burden, attaching great importance to the leadership, clear responsibilities, effective measures, sound system, and solid and earnest work. . First, set up a leading group to reduce the burden of responsibility is clear, the various departments cooperate with each other and make concerted efforts. According to the survey, Danzhou City, Linxian counties, townships and villages are to improve the level of three leading group, by the party and government leaders personally arrested. Lincoln County has set up 20 offices, equipped with 48 full-time staff, 16 towns and villages by the station has been equipped with webmaster. Due to the attention of leaders at all levels, the organizational structure is sound, measures are effective, and the burden reduction work is fruitful. In 1998, the county extracted 4.499 million yuan from the ”two charges“ budget and actually completed 3.952 million yuan. The actual per capita income of peasants was 14.6 yuan, accounting for 1.1% of the per capita net income of the previous year (of which agricultural towns and townships accounted for 2.2% %). Pizhou City in 1998 Tulau Township overall planning budget of 24.846 million yuan, per capita peasants bear ”two charges“ 55.71 yuan, accounting for the previous year’s per capita net income of 3%, actually completed 23.46 million yuan, the actual per capita farmers ” Two charges “50.7 yuan, accounting for 2.7% of the net income of the previous year. Two cities and counties ”two charges “ higher rates, but are strictly controlled within the 5% ceiling set by the State Council. Second, ”three systems “ be implemented. ”Final accounts “, ”registration card “ and ”special audit system “ is a prerequisite for good management ”two charges “. And ”two
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魏老师决定,在我们组找一名同学当值日班 长,带领大家大扫除。  大家都兴奋地举起手来,纷纷喊道:“老师,我要 当,我要 当……”  我真不知道这些小孩儿都是怎么想的,值日班长又不是真的班长,还要劳动,有 什么好 争取的。  可是,大家都举手了,如果我不举手,魏老师一定会认为我是不热爱劳动的孩子,于是,我也把手举了起来。  我刚刚把手举起来,魏老师就指着我,说:“米小 圈,就是你了。”  “啊?不是