茶小绿叶蝉(Empoasca pirisuga Matumura)是皖垦茶业集团茶园主要害虫之一,以成、若虫危害茶树新梢,受害后牙叶生长停滞,发芽减少、牙叶枯黄、质地变脆、甚至枯焦,严重影响茶叶品质和产量。每年5月中下旬、8月中下旬为发生高峰,危害面积超过1667hm2。由于茶园长期使用菊酯类和有机磷化学农药防治,使得茶小绿叶蝉产生了较强的抗性,为此我们进行了苏云金杆菌防治茶小绿
Empoasca pirisuga Matumura is one of the major pests of tea plantations in the Aken Tea Group. Its nymphs endanger the shoots of tea trees. After the victimization, the growth of the leaf teeth is stagnant, the germination is reduced, the yellowish brown teeth, the texture becomes crisp, and even coking , Seriously affecting the quality and yield of tea. Mid to late May each year, in late August for the peak, the damage area of more than 1667hm2. As long-term use of tea garden pyrethrins and organophosphorus chemical pesticide control, making the green leafhopper tea has a strong resistance, for which we conducted the Bacillus thuringiensis control small green tea