数字化修复工艺技术的应用提高了修复体质量,增加了新的修复体种类,改变了修复体的制作方式,使修复体制作工艺由手工发展到计算机辅助制作,并带来新的义齿加工运营模式,也提高了口腔修复工艺专业的学术地位,给我国的口腔修复工艺专业带来翻天覆地的变化。目前我国数字化修复工艺技术还存在技术不精、人才短缺等问题。口腔修复工艺专业的管理者和技术人员需正视目前存在的问题,抓住发展机遇,提高技术水平,培养和使用高学历技术人才,在抓好数字化修复工艺技术发展的同时发挥传统工艺技术的优势,医技双方共同学习,加强交流,促进我国数字化修复工艺技术的发展。“,”Digital prosthodontic technology has brought great changes to the prosthodontic technology in China by improving the quality of prostheses, adding new types of restorations, changing the manufacturing methods of restorations from handmade to computer-aided manufacturing, bringing new operating models of dental laboratories, and promoting the academic status of the prosthodontic technology. Digital prosthodontic technology still has some problems, such as insufficient precision for some manufacturing methods and shortage of professionals. Technicians and administrators of prosthodontic technology should face up to the problems and seize the opportunities, to improve the level of prosthodontic technology and train the highly educated professionals. At the same time, attentions should be payed to the advantages of the traditional prosthodontic technology while grasping the development of the digital prosthodontic technology. The dentists and the dental technicians should learn together and enhance communication to each other, to promote the progress of digital prosthodontic technology in China.