“金婚”盛宴,高朋满座,酒潮花海。鬓发霜雪的男女主人,眼含热泪,向来宾讲述了夫妻感情的三阶段——天堂·地狱·人间,引起了许多宾客的共鸣。从恋爱到结婚——天堂世界文坛巨匠雨果曾说:“人生是花,而爱便是花蜜。” 一对情人在热恋时,充溢着一股如胶似漆的激情。期待见面可以折磨得彻夜难眠,见了面又有讲不完的甜言蜜语和奇闻趣事。约会分别时,总是依依不舍,真是“相见时难别亦难”。那时候,两个人都
“Golden Wedding ” feast, full of friends, tide flowers.男 hair cream male and female snow, eyes tears, told the guests about the three stages of the couple’s feelings - paradise, hell, earth, has aroused the resonance of many guests. From love to marriage - World of Paradise Hugo once said: “Life is flowers, and love is nectar. ” A pair of lovers in love, filled with a gummy passion. Expect to meet can be tortured to sleep through the night, meet and talk endless sweet talk and Gonzo. When dating, respectively, always reluctant to leave, really At that time, both people