维弗雷多·林(Wifredo Lam,1902—1982)生于古巴大萨瓜,是19世纪中叶漂浮海岛的“猪仔”华工广东人林仰和当地西班牙裔黑人印第安人混血女子之幼子。自幼天资聪颖,喜爱绘画;后违背家庭令习法律的决定而入哈瓦那圣亚历山大美术学院(1918)。
Wifredo Lam (1902-1982) Born in Big Saku, Cuba, Wifredo Lam was a young son of a Cantonese-Hungarian Indian mixed-race woman, Lin Yang He, a native of “piglet” floating islands in the mid-1800s. Since childhood, she was gifted with a high degree of talent and loved to draw paintings; she went into the Academy of Fine Arts of Alexandria, Havana (1918) after violating the decree of family lawmaking.