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悠久的赏石文化作为一种和谐社会的精神食粮,受到越来越多的人青睐。伴随着国民经济水平的提高,物质文明和精神文明比翼齐飞,为赏石文化开辟了广阔的新天地。宜宾地处万里长江第一城,观赏石资源丰富。长江石,母亲河恩赐给宜宾人的瑰宝!在中国赏石文化再度兴起之时,让人刮目相看。独特的地理环境给我们提供了十分丰富的观赏石资源。应该庆幸,我们守着文化底蕴深厚的长江石,不用煞费苦心地去寻找资源。那么,怎么让古老的赏石文化在本地振兴繁荣起来呢? As a spiritual food for a harmonious society, long stone culture has been favored by more and more people. Accompanied by the improvement of the national economy, material civilization and spiritual civilization fly together, opening up a vast new world for the stone culture. Yibin is located in the Yangtze River Delta City, the rich ornamental stone resources. Yangtze River, Mother River to the Yibin people give a gift! In China, the re-emergence of stone culture, people impressive. Unique geographical environment provides us with a very rich ornamental stone resources. We should be fortunate that we are guarding the deep culture of the Yangtze River stone, do not have to make painstaking efforts to find resources. So, how to make the old stone culture in the local revitalization and prosperity up?
猕猴桃属大多数种具有一定的经济价值,有的果实富含维生素,可食用,例如中华猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis),有些则可供药用。除了直接利用这些野生猕猴桃资源外,还可利用野生
  现生Athrotaxis 属植物为澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚岛特有属,包括Athrotaxis cupressoides,Athrotaxisselaginoides,Athrotaxis laxifolis 三个种,与该属密切相关的化石植物有