The authors treat 27 chronic bacterial prostatitis patients with sperm disorders. Most patients aged 25 to 40 years of age, of which 24 were over 5 years duration, all patients received this therapy in the clinic by a variety of antibiotics and hormones long-term treatment is ineffective. All patients were infiltrated with ultrasound antimicrobial cream (in line with bacterial sensitivity) using the yэт-103 machine. The most commonly used drugs are: ampicillin, tetracycline and so on. Finger diagnosis to determine the corresponding position of the prostate in the rectum, infusion catheter liquid. Ultrasound head area 2cm ~ 2, the treatment of ultrasound head into the rectum, the vertical and horizontal movement above the prostate slowly. Treatment with pulsed ultrasound (pulse time 10ms), ultrasound intensity 0.2 ~ 0.4w / cm ~ 2, each 10 ’, 1 day, 10 ~ 12 times for a course of treatment.