
来源 :汽车维护与修理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:breeze001
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火花塞的性能影响发动机的动力性、经济性。采用下列七种方法可鉴别火花塞的好坏。1.外表观察把火花塞清除积炭、擦洗干净,察看磁质绝缘体,有裂纹者,应更换。如火花塞瓷质绝缘体破裂,发动机中、高速时会有不规则的“空空”声(高速断火),工作不正常。如火花塞经常发生积炭断火,则是火花塞过冷。若更换后,还发生这种现象,应检查发动机是否温度过高、燃烧室压缩比过大、点火过早或过迟、气门开闭不正常、混合气过浓、油底壳机油过多、活塞环窜油等原因。 The performance of the spark plug affects the power and economy of the engine. The following seven methods can be used to identify the quality of the spark plug. 1. The appearance of the spark plug to remove carbon deposition, scrub clean, look at magnetic insulation, cracks, should be replaced. Such as spark plug ceramic insulator rupture, the engine, there will be an irregular high-speed “empty” sound (high-speed off fire), not working properly. Such as spark plug often coke off, it is too cold spark plug. If the replacement occurs, this phenomenon also occurs, the engine should check whether the temperature is too high, the combustion chamber compression ratio is too large, too early or too late ignition, valve opening and closing is not normal, the mixture is too thick, too much oil pan oil, Piston ring channeling oil and other reasons.
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本文对客运架空索道用钢丝绳的构造、种类、性能、受力状况及维护、检查等问题作了较系统介绍,可供有关技术、管理人员参考。 This article makes a systematic introductio
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本文利用有限差分法分析研究螺旋式小孔节流液体静动压轴承的动态特性。 In this paper, the finite difference method is used to analyze the dynamic characteristics o