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北京平谷县镇罗营公社地处山区,十年九旱,社员饮水十分困难。特别是到了夏季,真是滴水贵如油。为了解决山区社员吃水准的问题,公社经过调查研究,找到了用地下水窖存水的方法,从去冬开始家家户户动工建窖。今年春夏之交第一次没闹“水荒”,一个五口之家,修筑一个容积为20米~3的水窖,就可满足3个月的食水需要,渡过春夏之交的“水荒”。山区修筑水窖,最好选在靠近雨水经常流过的地方,以便在雨季贮存雨水(要贮清洁的雨水,不要存混浊的)。水窖也可建在院子里,这样虽不便存雨水,但可在井水充足时贮存井水,待井水干涸时再用。存水时将入水口打开,平时应盖严,用水时向窖内撒些漂白粉消毒即可食用。水窖应筑在离地表三尺以下,使窖中之水免受气候的影响,保持常年新鲜 Pingyao County town of Luo camp is located in mountainous areas, nine drought ten years, members drinking water is very difficult. Especially in the summer, really dripping water as oil. In order to solve the issue of eating standards in mountainous areas, the commune, after investigation and study, found a way to keep water in the underground water cellars. Starting from the winter, every household started construction of cellar. For the first time since spring and summer this year, there was no “water shortage”. Instead, a family of five with a capacity of 20-3 cubic meters of cellar could meet the needs of three months’ “Water shortage.” Water cellars should be constructed in mountainous areas, preferably near the place where rainwater often flows, in order to store rainwater in the rainy season (to keep clean rainwater out of turbidity). Water cellars can also be built in the yard, so although it is not convenient for storing rainwater, well water can be stored well when the well is well enough to be reused when the well water is dry up. When the water will be open to the water inlet, usually should be covered with strict, water to the cellar sprinkle some bleach disinfectant can be eaten. The cellar should be built three feet below the surface of the earth so that the cellar water is protected from the weather and kept fresh all year round
辽宁省农机局设计室研制的L—ZH—30型农家用的沼气池出肥机具,于一九八二年十二月二十六日通过省级签定。一、技术性能 1、外形尺寸:(长×宽×高)1900×1400×1800毫米;2、
以0.25~10瓩的三相异步电动机作为动力的轻小型喷灌机组广泛用于小片园田,蔬菜、园林、城市卫生除尘等喷灌。下面谈谈这类电机的维护: Light and small sprinkler units pow
本文分析了公安边防部队基本建设结算审计存在的特点、现状,并提出了相应对策与措施,这些举措能有效节省基本建设经费,提高基建投资效益。 This paper analyzes the existin
纵观近几年各省市中考试题,呈现出结合新课程标准,考查创新潜能的新面孔.现在加以提炼归纳,适当点拨,这对于2005年参加中考的学生,无疑会有所助益. 一、观察建构 例1观察下