日本女子田径总体来说还处于较为落后的状态, 惟独女子马拉松在世界走在了前头,这是和日本有关方面在女子马拉松方面长期坚持不懈的努力分不开的。在2004年世界女子马拉松前100名排名榜中,日本占16名,其中有5人跻身前20名,11人进入前50 名。近年来无论在奥运会或者世界大赛上,日本女子马拉松运动员均有建树。在第25届(1992年巴塞罗那) 奥运会的女子马拉松比赛中,有森裕子以2小时32分49秒获得亚军,另一位日本运动员山下佐枝获第5 名;有森裕子还以2小时28分39秒的成绩获得第26 届(1996年亚特兰大)奥运会第3名。到了第27届(2000年悉尼)奥运会上,高桥尚子以2小时23分14 秒的成绩一举夺得金牌,山口卫里获第7名。在第28 届(2004年雅典)奥运会上,日本又蝉联女子马拉松冠军。野口水木以2小时26分20秒获金牌,进入前8名的还有都佐铃子(第5)和板本直子(第7)。日本目前有100余名女子马拉松运动员的成绩突破了2小时30 分,可见实力之强。日本女子马拉松之所以能长盛不衰是和以下原因分不开的。
Japanese women’s athletics is generally still in a backward state. However, only women’s marathons have taken the lead in the world. This is inseparable from Japan’s unrelenting efforts on the part of women’s marathons. In 2004, the world’s top 100 women’s marathons rankings, Japan accounted for 16, of which 5 were among the top 20, 11 into the top 50. In recent years, Japanese marathon runners have made great achievements both in the Olympic Games and in the world competitions. In the women’s marathon at the 25th (1992 Barcelona) Olympics, Mori won the runner-up in 2 hours, 32 minutes and 49 seconds and the other Japanese athlete, Yamashita Koji, finished fifth. 39 seconds results won the 26th (1996 Atlanta) third place in the Olympic Games. At the 27th (Sydney, 2000) Olympics, Takahashi won the gold medal in 2 hours, 23 minutes and 14 seconds and Yamaguchi won the seventh place. In the 28th (2004 Athens) Olympic Games, Japan won the women’s marathon champion. Nogizuki Mizuki won the gold medal in 2 hours, 26 minutes and 20 seconds, with Tetsuo Suzuki (fifth) and Hiroko Benko (seventh) entering the top eight. Japan currently has more than 100 women marathon runner’s performance exceeded 2 hours and 30 minutes, we can see the strength of the strong. The reason why Japanese women’s marathons can be prosperous is inseparable from the following reasons.