【摘 要】
VISCAL (VISSIM calibration) is an automated calibration tool for microscopic simulation parameters in VISSIM environment, based on three heuristic optimization
【机 构】
Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka 1
VISCAL (VISSIM calibration) is an automated calibration tool for microscopic simulation parameters in VISSIM environment, based on three heuristic optimization algorithms: (a) genetic algorithm (GA); (b) simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA); (c) simulated annealing (SA). It is developed with a goal to automate and ease the tedious process of calibration, offering greater flexibility to the users by providing control on every aspect of the calibration process. It includes multiple features for a generic application tool with the ability to test the significance of the appropriate decision parameter set for a particular network, to determine the most suitable objective function to reflect network characteristics, and to check the suitability of any of the three heuristic optimization algorithms for a particular network. VISCAL also offers four objective function choices into the system: (1) speed, (2) flow, (3) delay, and (4) multi-objective criteria. It is able to calibrate all the driving behavior parameters for any type (urban, rural) and extent of network (small or large network). However, for this study, the operation of the tool is tested by a dataset obtained from a 3. 26 km freeway of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
【摘要】数形结合的思想是初中数学教学中运用的最为广泛的教学思想,并在教学实践中起着非常重要的作用。本文就结合初中数学教学的实践对数形结合思想进行了简单的分析和探讨。 【关键词】数形结合;初中数学;教学实践 【中图分类号】G633.6 【文献标识码】B 【文章編号】2095-3089(2017)36-0107-01 引言 在初中阶段的学生,其抽象性思维还是相对较弱的,然而,在数学学习的过程中
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