大凡一品红开过花后,一般不作其他处理,仅蓄枝留待来年作插穗用。然而若花后对其进行短截,便可促其二度开花。笔者的做法是: 1.适时短截当一品红没有观赏价值以后,即可进行短截。短截高度视其分枝状况而定,一般中间的枝条留2个芽,四周的留3——5个芽,剪口为马蹄形,距下芽0.5厘米。短截后用小竹或棕丝将四周的枝条拿弯,使其分布均匀,高度一致。由于短截后的一品红没有叶片,故其造型以平头开张型为好,这样,开花后苞片与苞片连接平整,可弥补没有绿叶陪衬的缺憾。 2.加强肥水管理短截后先“勒水”3天,待盆土发白后,施一次3∶7的肥水溶液,以后每施
Generic poinsettia flowers after the opening, generally do not make other treatment, only save branches for cuttings to be used next year. However, if the flowers are short-cut, they will be encouraged to bloom twice. The author’s approach is: 1. Timely short cut when poinsettia no ornamental value, you can short cut. Short cut height depending on its branching may be, usually the middle of the branches to stay 2 buds, stay around 3 - 5 buds, notches for the horseshoe-shaped, 0.5 cm from the next bud. Short cut with bamboo or brown silk around the branches take the bend, so that its distribution, a high degree of consistency. Because the poinsettia has no leaves after the poinsettia, so its shape to flat open type is good, so bracts and flowering after the formation of smooth connection, can make up for the absence of green leaf foil defects. 2. Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water Short cut after the first “Le water” 3 days to Peal white, Shi Shi a 3: 7 fertilizer solution, after each Shi