
来源 :广西农业机械化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FalyE
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一般地说,柴油机压缩比高一些,对柴油机的起动性能是有利的。因为压缩比高时,压缩行程终了气缸内空气的压力也高,温度随之亦高,这当然有利于燃油的引然与着火,改善发动机的起动性能。然而当压缩比过高时,不仅对起动不利,甚至无法起动。这是因为压缩比提高后,压缩行程 In general, diesel compression ratio higher, the starting performance of the diesel engine is beneficial. Because the compression ratio is high, the compression stroke end of the cylinder pressure of the air is also high, the temperature is also high, which of course is conducive to fuel cited and the fire, improve engine starting performance. However, when the compression ratio is too high, it is not only unfavorable to start-up, it can not even start up. This is because the compression ratio is increased, the compression stroke
Postgastrectomy syndromes evoked by the loss of several gastric functions after total or subtotal gastrectomy are very common. Dif- ferent kinds of reconstructi
生猪实行定点屠宰后,在很大程度上扼制了劣质猪肉的上市。但当前仍有少数不法商贩,明里暗里销售劣质猪肉,牟取暴利,坑害消费者。笔者是位畜牧兽医工作者,在此愿将多年积累的鉴别劣质猪肉的经验整理出来,供朋友们参考。  病(死)猪肉的鉴别。一看色泽:健康猪肉皮呈白色,脂肪呈白色或乳白色,肌肉呈淡红色和深红色,深浅相间,血管和肌肉切面无血;病、死猪的脂肪呈浅玫瑰色或红色,肌肉红色较深或呈黑红色,切面可见暗红色
在手扶拖拉机的年审验车工作中,有驾驶员问及如何掌握下坡转弯的操作问题,我的工作经验如下。 1.扶手操纵把向下压。当手扶拖拉机下坡转弯时,如果感觉扶手操纵把向下压,即手
一、储蓄流失增值机会储蓄的误区是导致家庭资产流失的元凶,这主要体现在两个方面: 1.“过度”储蓄中国的大多数家庭正面临“过度”储蓄的问题。做个简单的测算,中国人的8万
PURPOSE: Issues surrounding the safety and efficacy of palliative laparoscopic resections for patients with Stage IV colorectal cancer have not been explicitly
○老朋友撞了大运发了财,多年来“我”第一次进他家时有点脸红。“我”拥有足够的钱吗?在这个《金钱在呼啸》的世界上,我们应保持怎样的心态? ○ old friend hit the Grand
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