Disease characteristics Hyperacidity is excessive secretion of gastric juice state, often appear heartburn, hiccups, indigestion and other symptoms, especially in the empty 愎 and eating 2 to 3 hours later, there will be stomach pain and discomfort. Causes of binge eating, excessive drinking, excessive smoking, as well as lack of sleep, fatigue, depression and other factors that increase the burden on the stomach, are easily lead to hyperacidity. In addition, chronic gastritis, esophageal hiatal hernia, stomach, duodenal ulcer and other gastrointestinal diseases, but also the etiology. Treatment uses drugs that inhibit gastric secretion and neutralize gastric juice. In daily life, we must quit smoking, it is best to eat spicy, overheating and other spicy food. In addition, it is also important to avoid under-sleep and over-fatigue.