对于多杂质的用水和水处理集成优化问题,建立了以总费用最小为目标的混合整数非线性规划(MINLP)模型,并提出了一种将列队竞争算法(Line-up competition algorithm,LCA)和序列二次规划(Sequential Quadratic Programming,SQP)法相结合的求解策略。其中,用LCA优化整数变量,而用SQP法优化连续变量,通过这两种方法的交替求解来逼近最优解。将所提出的计算方法对文献中的2个典型实例进行了求解,求解结果优于文献。实例计算表明,本文所提出的计算方法是有效的。
For the problem of multi-impurity water and water treatment integration optimization, a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) model with minimum total cost was established and a new method named Line-up competition algorithm (LCA) and Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method to solve the strategy. Among them, LCA optimizes integer variables, while SQP method optimizes continuous variables, by the alternating solution of these two methods to approximate the optimal solution. Two typical examples in the literature are solved by the proposed method, and the result is better than the literature. The example calculation shows that the calculation method proposed in this paper is effective.