目的:弄清桑寄生(Taxillus sutchuenensis)对其寄主植物的基本要求和选择,为其人工种植提供参考依据。方法:通过对贵州省贵阳市河滨公园内的桑寄生及其栖生寄主植物进行调查和研究,对桑寄生寄主植物科的分门、桑寄生在寄主上的生长位置和桑寄生寄主光照强度作了详细调查,以探讨桑寄生对栖生的寄主植物基本要求和选择。结果:(1)在贵阳市河滨公园内调查的桑寄生的寄主植物共有15种,属被子门植物有13种,属裸子植物门植物有2种;15种植物中包括10种落叶乔木,2种落叶小乔木、2种常绿乔木和1种落叶灌木,桑寄生在落叶乔木上的数量多于非落叶乔木上的数量;(2)光照强度强的位置(寄主冠层)桑寄生生长数量多且茂盛,光照强度较弱的位置(寄主中间层)桑寄生数量少,光照强度弱的位置(寄主内层)桑寄生数量少或基本不生长。结论:在贵州省贵阳市河滨公园内,桑寄生主要选择被子植物中的落叶乔木和寄主植物光照强度强的位置生长。
Objective: To clarify the basic requirements and choices of Taxus sutchuenensis on its host plants and to provide a reference for its artificial planting. Methods: Through the investigation and research on the parasitic plants and their host plants in Hebin Park, Guiyang, Guizhou Province, the author studied the classification of the host plants of the parasitism, the growth position of the parasitic plants on the host and the light intensity Made a detailed investigation to explore the basic requirements and options for the parasitic host plants of parasitism. Results: (1) A total of 15 host plants of Sangium parasiticus were investigated in Hebin Park, Guiyang City. There were 13 host plants belonging to the same genus, 2 belonging to Gymnospermae, 15 species including 10 deciduous trees, 2 kinds of deciduous trees, 2 kinds of evergreen trees and 1 kinds of deciduous shrubs, the number of mulberry parasitic on deciduous trees is more than that of non-deciduous trees; (2) The position of light intensity (host canopy) A large number and lush, weak light intensity position (host interlayer) Sang parasitic less number of light intensity weak position (host inner layer) Sang parasites in small or almost no growth. Conclusion: In the Riverside Park of Guiyang, Guizhou Province, Sangium parasiticus mainly chooses the deciduous tree species of angiosperms and the host plants to grow at high light intensity.