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自1999年11月至今,我国“神舟”飞船三年四次翱翔太空,充分展示了我国航天科技工作者的聪明才智和我国科技事业蓬勃发展的喜人势头。“神舟”飞天,举国欢腾,举世瞩目。围绕“神舟”飞船历次发射,国内外新闻媒体进行了大量报道,国内媒体争先恐后,相继展开新闻报道战役。本文作者作为解放军报记者,在现场目击了“神舟”飞船3次发射的壮观瞬间,采写了大量亲历式报道。本文记叙了作者在采写“神舟”飞船发射报道过程中的难忘经历,其中对采访如何事先精心策划,报道时如何将规定内容做好做足,将自选内容突出特色等体会,都讲得具体、实在,值得借鉴。 Since November 1999, China’s “Shenzhou” spacecraft has soared into space four times in three years, fully demonstrating the intelligence and intelligence of China’s space science and technology workers and the gratifying momentum of vigorous development of China’s science and technology. “Shenzhou” flying, the country jubilant, attracts worldwide attention. In response to the previous launches of the “Shenzhou” spacecraft, a great deal of coverage has been made by domestic and foreign news media and the domestic media have been scrambling to launch news reports one after another. As a reporter of the People’s Liberation Army Daily, the author witnessed the spectacular moment of the launch of the “Shenzhou” spacecraft three times and wrote a large number of pro-postings. This article recounts the author’s unforgettable experience in the process of writing and transmitting the “Shenzhou” spacecraft. In particular, he elaborated on how to carefully plan the interview in advance, how to make the prescribed content adequate when reporting, highlighting the features of the optional content, In fact, it is worth learning.
【摘要】互联网时代发展给我们的生活提供了巨大的便捷。得益于网络技术的发展,语言的学习同样与其碰撞出激烈的火花。成为最重要的语言辅助学习工具。因此,教师和学习者应具有敏锐的眼光,抓住互联网发展时代下的机遇。使语言学习更有效和有趣。本文简述互联网络发展时代下,以计算机网络为辅助的语言学习的特点和形式。旨在突破传统的教学模式的限制。给予正在“教”的老师与正在“学”的语言学习者新的启发。  【关键词】互联
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