各地州市委宣传部,省级有关部门,各新闻单位: 党的十四大以来,宣传思想战线总结历史经验,根据新形势下出现的新情况、新问题,加强宏观管理,建立健全管理制度和机制,对于新闻舆论工作坚持正确的舆论导向,为人民服务、为社会主义服务、为全党全国工作大局服务,发挥了重要的保障作用,取得了明显成绩。但是,对一些报刊管理不到位、措施不落实的问题仍然存在,特别对小报小刊的管理始终是一个薄
Since the fourteenth congress of the party, propaganda and ideological frontlines have summed up their historical experience and promoted the development of a sound management system based on the new situations and new problems that emerged under the new situation. Mechanism has played an important role in safeguarding the press and public opinion work, upholding the correct direction of public opinion, serving the people, serving socialism and serving the overall work of the entire party and achieved notable results. However, some newspaper management is not in place, the problem of non-implementation of the problem still exists, in particular the management of the tabloid is always a thin issue