中学作文教学是语文教学的一个重要组成部分,表达能力是中学毕业生参加社会主义建设和升入高等学校继续深造必不可少的能力。粉碎“四人帮”以来,教育战线发生了深刻的变化,语文教学改革取得了可喜的成果。但是我们也看到,在语文教学改革中还有不少工作要做,特别是作文教学迫切需要改进。这个问题,不仅广大中学师生希望解决,而且也引起了社会上的重视。例如围烧今年的高考作文命题,一些报刊已经发表了不少讨论文章,对作文教学起了推动作用。 为了探寻改进作文教学的关键,研究提高作文教学质量的正确途径和方法,我刊拟开展“如何改进中学作文教学”的讨论。讨论围烧下列,、个问题进行: 一、中学作文教学的现状。二、中学作文教学的目的和任务。三、防止猜题、钾题等片面追求升学率的作法,扎扎实实地进行作文训练。四、中学作文训练的科学性和计划性,作文训练的途径、步骤和方法。五、听、说训练在语文教学中的作用。六、搞好课外阅读和提高作文水平的关系。七、中学作文的指导、批改和讲评。八、评价中学生作文的标准。我们欢迎全国广大教育工作者、中学师生以及关心中学作文教学的专家、学者和各界人士都来积极参加讨论。我们希望讨论能够紧密联系师生教与学的实际,结合四化建设的需要。计论时可以摆情况、摆问题,更希望结合实践经验、体会来谈,以便通过讨论使大家方向更明,信心更足,办法更多。每篇文章最好集中谈一两个问题,沙及面不必过宽,力求谈得精一些,深一些。宇数在三千字以内为宜。来稿请寄本刊编辑部,信封上请注明“改进作文教学讨论”,本刊将择优采用。由于编挥部人力有限,来稿请自留底稿,不再退还。9月份,我们邀请北京市西城区教育局中学语文教研室教研员及部分中学老师,就以上问题展开讨论,现将发言摘要发表如下,作为这次讨论的开始。
Middle school composition teaching is an important part of Chinese teaching. Expressive ability is the indispensable ability of middle school graduates to participate in socialist construction and further their studies in higher education institutions. Since the smashing of the “Gang of Four,” profound changes have taken place in the education front and gratifying achievements have been made in the reform of Chinese teaching. However, we also see that there is still a lot of work to be done in the reform of Chinese teaching. In particular, writing teaching urgently needs improvement. This problem is not only solved by the majority of middle school teachers and students, but also aroused the community’s attention. For example, this year’s college entrance essay burning thesis proposition, some newspapers have published a lot of discussion articles, the composition of teaching has played a catalytic role. In order to find out the key to improve composition teaching and to study the correct ways and means of improving writing teaching quality, I plan to carry out the discussion on “How to Improve Composition Teaching in Middle School”. Discuss the following around the burning of a problem: First, the status quo of middle school essay teaching. Second, the purpose and task of high school composition teaching. Third, to prevent guesses, such as the one-sided pursuit of the K-rate of practice, a down-to-earth essay training. Fourth, high school essay training in science and planning, essay training approach, steps and methods. Fifth, listening, speaking training in the role of language teaching. Sixth, do a good job reading and improve the composition of the relationship between the level. Seven, high school composition guidance, criticism and comment. Eight, evaluation criteria for high school students writing. We welcome the participation of educators, secondary school teachers and students, and experts, scholars and people from all walks of life who are concerned about the composition teaching in middle schools. We hope to discuss the need to be able to closely relate the teaching and learning of teachers and students and to combine the four modernizations. When discussing the matter, we should put things in perspective and put forward questions. We also hope that we can combine experience with experience so that we can make our direction clear, confident and adequate through discussion. It is best to concentrate on one or two questions in each article, without having to go too wide in the sand and try to talk about the essence and depth. Yu number within three thousand words is appropriate. Please submit the manuscripts editorial department, please indicate on the envelope “to improve composition teaching discussion,” the publication will be the best choice. Due to the limited manpower at the headquarters, the manuscripts please retain the manuscript and will not be refunded. In September, we invited the Beijing Xicheng District Bureau of Education secondary school language teaching and research staff and some secondary school teachers to discuss the above issues. The abstract of the speech will be published as follows, as the beginning of this discussion.