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任何伟大发明的诞生,都应从三个方面来考察:当时社会环境,人类文化智慧的积累,发明家的天才努力。蒸汽机的发明就是如此。18世纪中后期,英国资产阶级专政已确立近百年,资产阶级政权的确立极大地促进了英国资本主义的发展。在农村,圈地运动从非法成为合法。这个时... The birth of any great invention should be investigated from three aspects: the social environment at that time, the accumulation of wisdom of human culture, the inventor’s genius efforts. The invention of the steam engine is the case. In the mid-to-late 18th century, Britain’s dictatorship of the bourgeoisie had been established for nearly a hundred years. The establishment of the bourgeois regime greatly promoted the development of British capitalism. In rural areas, enclosure movement became illegal from illegitimate. This time ...
问:   我和前妻小丽经人介绍相识。恋爱期间,小丽的父亲跟我说,因为家中没有男丁,所以希望我入赘到他家,婚生子女也随他家姓。当时,我觉得只要两人感情好,入不入赘都无所谓,所以便同意了他的要求。交往半年后,我便入赘到小丽家,做了上门女婿。婚后,小丽生下一个男孩,按照当时的约定,随小丽姓陈。孩子出生后,家里开销明显增大,之前对我百依百顺的小丽开始埋怨我不会赚钱,她的父母也对我冷嘲热讽,我们的婚姻