山东省乒协于4月28日在山东体育学院召开了三届三次全委会。中国乒协副主席、山东省乒协主席杨秀泉出席会议并做了题为《山东省乒乓球运动协会1993年工作总结和1994年工作要点》报告。经与会委员审议通过。 与会委员一致认为,1993年是山东省乒乓球运动有史以来成绩最好的一年。在第42届世乒赛上,刘伟、乔云萍获女双冠军,刘伟与解放军运动员王涛合作获
Shandong Provincial Association of Table Tennis on April 28 in Shandong Institute of Physical Education held three third National Committee. Vice chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association, Shandong Province, Table Tennis Association President Yang Xiuquan attended the meeting and made a presentation entitled “Table Tennis Association of Shandong Province in 1993 summary and 1994 work points” report. After the meeting reviewed and approved. The participating members agreed that 1993 was the best year for table tennis in Shandong Province. At the 42nd World Table Tennis Championships, Liu Wei and Qiao Yunping won the women’s doubles title and Liu Wei won the award with PLA Athlete Wang Tao