【摘 要】
To solve soil shortage in reclaiming subsided land of coal mines, the principal chemical properties of artificial soil formed by mixing organic furfural residue
To solve soil shortage in reclaiming subsided land of coal mines, the principal chemical properties of artificial soil formed by mixing organic furfural residue and inorganic fly ash were examined. The results indicated that the artificial soil was suitable for agriculture use after irrigation and desalination, the available nutrients in the artificial soil could satisfy the growth demand of plants, and the pH tended to the neutrality.
To solve soil shortage in reclaiming subsided land of coal mines, the principal chemical properties of artificial soil formed by mixing organic furfural residue and inorganic fly ash were examined. The results indicated that the artificial soil was suitable for agriculture use after irrigation and desalination, the available nutrients in the artificial soil able satisfy the growth demand of plants, and the pH tended to the neutrality.
混凝土模袋系引进技术 ,作为护岸应用于中蒙界河哈拉哈河。对护岸边坡选择、护坡厚度计算、护岸结构和混凝土配合比作了介绍。总结了高寒地区抗寒措施。分析了此技术的优点和
国内统一刊号:CN51-1757/G4国际标准刊号:ISSN 2095-9214高端平台分享名校经验深度解读传播前沿动态中国知网全文收录期刊万方数据库全文收录期刊维普网全文收录期刊《亚太教
The diverse functions of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase(PEPCase;EC in C3 plants are not as well understood as in C4 plants.To investigate the functio
摘要:供电可靠性是衡量电网优越性的重要指标,配电自动化的引入对提高电网的安全、可靠及高效运行有着重要作用,但由于配电网网络结构复杂等特点,目前国内使用的配电自动化系统效果有待提高,着重研究如何通过对现有配网自动化系统的改造以达到提高供电可靠性的目的。 关键词:供电可靠性;配电自动化;网络结构 作者简介:陈灵根(1982-),男,福建三明人,泉州电力技能研究院自动化培训处,讲师;黄红荔(1964
近年来,按照市委的要求,我们扎扎实实地抓紧党委办公室自身建设,提高了办公室的凝聚力和战斗力。主要做法是: 在思想交流中深化世界观、人生观、价值观教育在加强办公室自身