ISO与CEN(欧洲标准化委员会 )之间的技术合作协议《维也纳协议》是 1991年 6月 2 9日在维也纳由CEN管理委员会正式通过 ,此前该协议获得了ISO的通过。《维也纳协议》取代了 1989年实施的“ISO与CEN关于交换技术信息的协议”(里斯本协议 )。最初《维也纳协议
Technical cooperation agreement between ISO and CEN (European Committee for Standardization) The Vienna Agreement was formally adopted by the CEN Management Committee in Vienna on June 29, 1991, after the adoption of the agreement by the ISO. The Vienna Agreement supersedes the ISO and CEN Agreement on the Exchange of Technical Information (Lisbon Agreement), which was implemented in 1989. Initially "Vienna agreement