传说清康熙皇帝在一次下江南中,曾带着几名随从微服出行,在太湖边闲荡时,忽然闻到一股以前在宫中从未闻到过的香气,朝着香气走去,才知道香气是从一个小村落的茅屋中发出的,此时好几家人家正在烧菜,他们的菜中均以葱蒜作调味品,没想到这股香气竟冲到了万岁爷的鼻子里。 康熙皇帝走进一户人家一看,只见饭桌上摆着香喷喷的几碗菜,其中有大葱炒豆腐、香葱炒鸡蛋以及蒜
Legend has it that the emperor Kangxi Kangxi once under the south of the river, with a few attendant suits travel, while in the Taihu Lake pendants, suddenly smelled an aroma never before seen in the palace, walked toward the aroma, only Knowing that the aroma was emanating from the hut in a small village where several families were cooking, all their dishes were made of condiments, they did not expect the aroma to reach the nose of Lord Hurray. Emperor Kangxi into a family look, I saw the table with fragrant bowl of dishes, including fried green onion tofu, scallions scrambled eggs and garlic