张杰 为音乐而生 为梦想而活

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张杰,一个舞台的神话,天生的歌者,相信两年前大家和我一样对他并不是很熟悉,很多人也没有想到现在的张杰这么红,红到让人意想不到的地步,就连他本人也没有想到。他被人熟悉应该是在当年型秀的舞台上,高亢的歌声打动了很多人,也一举拿下当年的型秀冠军,原本以为艺术的道路会从此畅通无阻,但是之后的发展让他陷入尴尬的境地,因为和他当初想的有些不一样,虽然也发了2张唱片但是并没有让他大红大紫,反而让他陷入一种困境,因为以后的路该怎么走,该怎么去完成自己的唱歌梦想,他自己也全然不知,只知道自己一定要唱歌,为了这个梦想他也付出了巨大的牺牲,他毅然决定离开上海来北京发展。因为他知道北京应该能找到他的梦想,或许上天会眷顾那些坚持梦想的人,让他吃该吃的苦以后才能实现他的愿望。 Zhang Jie, a stage mythology, born singer, I believe everyone two years ago, like him and I am not very familiar with him, many people did not think now Zhang Jie so red, red to unexpected levels, even his own Did not think of it. He was familiar with the type of show that year should be the stage, high-pitched singing touched a lot of people, but also won the show champion of the year, had thought that the art of the road will be smooth from now on, but the subsequent development of him embarrassed Because he and his original thought were somewhat different. Although two albums were made but did not make him a big hit, he was put in a dilemma because of how he should go in the future and how to finish himself Singing dream, he himself completely unknown, only know that he must sing, in order to this dream he also made a huge sacrifice, he decided to leave Shanghai to Beijing to develop. Because he knows Beijing should be able to find his dream, perhaps God will bless those who persist in their dreams, let him eat the bitterness of eating to fulfill his aspirations.