丰田(TOYOTA),这个世界著名的品牌,在全球已是家喻户晓。丰田汽车公司,这个在日本偏僻小镇崛起的汽车巨人,在世界汽车大决战的舞台上可谓是佼佼者。而这一切,都发端于一个平凡而又非凡的日本青年——丰田喜一郎。 1 少年壮志 1932年4月,日本爱知县刈谷市,这个默默无闻的偏僻小镇,有一家丰田自动织布机制造厂。工厂院内的仓库旁,有一间极其简陋的小屋,人们经常看到,有个年轻人只要一有空,就钻进小屋。他就是丰田喜一郎,丰田自动织布机制造厂老板丰田佐吉的长子。
Toyota (TOYOTA), the world famous brand, is a household name in the world. Toyota Motor Corporation, a rising auto giant in a remote town in Japan, is a leader on the scene of the World Auto Grand Battle. And all this, are originated in an ordinary and extraordinary Japanese youth - Kiichiro Toyoda. A juvenile Aspiration April 1932, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, Kariya, this obscure remote town, there is a Toyota automatic loom factory. Next to the factory yard, there is an extremely shabby cottage where people often see a young man entering a hut whenever he is available. He is the eldest son of Toyota Kiichiro Toyota Toyota Zoji, the owner of automatic loom manufacturer.