新型隐球菌脑膜炎(简称隐脑)表现复杂,预后较差。因漏诊误诊导致严重后果甚至死亡者屡见不鲜。我院1986年收治2例,均因延误诊治而死,现报告如下。【例1】男,20岁,因头痛、发热、胸闷2周于8月23日人院。入院前在外院按“病毒性脑膜炎”治疗半个月无效。体检:T36.9℃,P60次/分,R21次/分,Bp 14.6/9.3kPa(110/70 mmHg),神志清楚,急重病容,双瞳孔对光反射存在,颈抵抗(+),布氏征(+),克氏征(+),巴氏征(一),限
Cryptococcus neoformans meningitis (referred to as crypto) complex performance, the prognosis is poor. Misdiagnosis due to misdiagnosis leading to serious consequences and even death are common. Two cases were admitted to our hospital in 1986, both of whom died as a result of delayed diagnosis and treatment. The report is as follows. [Example 1] Male, 20 years old, due to headache, fever, chest tightness 2 weeks on August 23 hospital. Pre-hospital outside the hospital by “viral meningitis” half a month of treatment is invalid. Physical examination: T36.9 ℃, P60 beats / min, R21 beats / min, Bp 14.6 / 9.3kPa (110/70 mmHg), clear consciousness, Sign (+), Kirschner Sign (+), Pakistan’s sign (a), limit