今年9月12日,CNN(美国有线新闻网)的王牌记者,因报道海湾战争而闻名天下的“巴格达之星”——约翰·霍里曼,在亚特兰大郊区、自己寓所附近意外遭遇车祸,不幸身亡,年仅49岁。 惨剧发生在约翰驾车返家途中,当他试图超车时,与对面一辆满载货物的卡车迎头相撞,车祸导致约翰当场死亡。据格林纳特郡警署杰夫斯里格警官事后调查证实,约翰并无任何饮酒或超速驾驶的迹象。而车祸的另一责任方,卡车司机亨利·韦斯纳当即被送往附近医院,卡车上的另一名乘客,10岁的艾里克·韦斯纳也在车祸中骨折。 在为约翰·霍里曼举行隆重葬礼的当天,有关方面请美国空军出动3架战斗机飞过教堂上空,以示美国公众对他的特别敬意。据说这是近年来,美国新闻从业人员受到的最高礼仪。
On September 12 this year, ace correspondent CNN (CNN), Star of Baghdad, the star of Baghdad, for reporting the Gulf War, John Horiman, accidentally hit a car accident near his apartment in the suburbs of Atlanta. Unfortunately, Died, only 49 years old. The tragedy happened when John drove home to return home, and when he tried to overtake he collided head-on with a truck loaded with cargo, causing John to die instantly. According to a later investigation by Sergeant Geoffrey Rig, a Greengate County police officer, John did not show any signs of drinking or speeding. The other responsible party for the accident, truck driver Henry Wessner, was immediately taken to a nearby hospital where another 10-year-old passenger, Eric Wesner, was also fractured in a car accident. On the day of the grand funeral for John Hollyman, the U.S. Air Force dispatched three fighter jets to fly over the church to show the special public respect for him. It is said that this is the highest etiquette the U.S. journalists have received in recent years.