【摘 要】
The existence and its movement rule of crystalline structure defect are closely related to the diffusion, solid phase reaction, sintering, phase transformation
【机 构】
College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fujian 350002, China,College of Mat
The existence and its movement rule of crystalline structure defect are closely related to the diffusion, solid phase reaction, sintering, phase transformation as well as the physical and chemical properties of materials. Point defect theory has been widely applied in material mineralization research, unfavorable transformation controlling, material modification, the research and development of new materials and so on. Point defect theory is one of the important theories for new material research and development. Herein we mainly discuss the application of point defect theory in some structural material researches.
The existence and its movement rule of crystalline structure defect are closely related to the diffusion, solid phase reaction, sintering, phase transformation as well as the physical and chemical properties of materials. Point defect theory has been been widely applied in material mineralization research, unfavorable transformation controlling, material modification, the research and development of new materials and so on. Point defect theory is one of the important theories for new material research and development. Herein we mainly discuss the application of point defect theory in some structural material researches.
对于小年龄幼儿,家长最关心的是他们的健康与安全。孩子在幼儿园发生意外伤害事件,家长不免心焦,教师若处理不当,很可能引发家园冲突。以下是我的一次亲身经历,让我感触良多。 一、两次冲突,矛盾升级 磊磊是小班里年龄最小的孩子,他活泼好动,开学没多久就接连发生意外。第一次是磊磊在活动时不小心和同伴相撞,脸上留下一道小印痕。我把事件经过告诉来接孩子的爷爷,得到了爷爷的谅解。没过几天,磊磊在搬椅子时,一名
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