自第二次世界大战首次发现深水中炸弹爆炸能对肺组织产生严重损伤以来,人们对冲击波的研究兴趣始终不减,认识也愈加深刻,其应用也更为广泛。在欧洲,体外冲击波(Extracorporeal Shock Wave,ESW)治疗骨肌系统疾患的例数已经超过碎石患者;冲击波还能将核甘酸等大分子物质导入细胞?
Since World War II first discovered that deep-sea bomb explosion can cause serious damage to lung tissue, people’s research interest in shock wave has been diminished and its awareness deepened and its application is more extensive. In Europe, extracorporeal shock wave (ESW) has been used in patients with osteomyelitis for more than a few cases of stone disorders; can shockwaves also introduce macromolecular substances such as nucleotides into cells?