1 选好地块地膜玉米植株高大,根系发达,对土壤肥力要求高。应选择土层深厚,土质疏松,有机质含量高的平地或小于15℃的缓坡地种植。陡坡地、瘠薄地和水土流失严重的田块,保水保肥能力差,无灌溉条件的旱沙地,都不宜种植地膜玉米。
1 selected plots of plastic corn plants tall, well-developed roots, demanding on soil fertility. Should choose a deep soil, loose soil, high organic matter content of flat or less than 15 ℃ gentle slope planting. Steep slopes, barren land and soil erosion serious plots, poor water retention and fertility, dry conditions of irrigated land, should not be planted with plastic corn.