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在粤剧音乐中,锣鼓是不可缺少的一部分,而演奏锣鼓的乐师(掌板)更是整个乐队的关键。其设计的锣鼓,演奏的技巧、方法,和表演者的配合,将直接影响整个戏的舞台效果。一直以来,很多剧团都没有真正的指挥。而领导粤剧音乐唱腔,配合表演动作,控制全场节奏的只有两个位置:掌板和头架(高胡),而掌板则是最重要的。掌板对剧情的发展、节奏的变化、导演的意图、台上表演者的风格、乐队中乐器表演者的风格,以及各种乐器在音乐中表现的功能,都能了如指掌。经过反复推敲、构思,设计鼓点,配合音乐旋律表现。如能恰到好处,那不仅和谐动听,且能美化旋律,丰富 In Cantonese Opera, drums and gongs are an indispensable part of the band, while percussionists (palm plates) playing percussion are the key to the band. The design of the percussion, performance techniques, methods, and performers with the direct impact will be the stage effect of the entire show. All along, many theater companies have no real command. The lead Cantonese opera music, with performances, control the rhythm of the audience only two positions: the palm plate and the head frame (Gao Hu), while the palm is the most important. The palm of your hand is familiar with the development of the plot, the changing rhythm, the director’s intent, the style of the performer on stage, the style of the performer in the band, and the performance of various musical instruments in the music. After repeated scrutiny, design, design drums, with the performance of the music melody. If just right, it is not only harmonious and moving, and can beautify the melody, rich