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红水河是珠江水系的主要干流西江的上游。它的正源南盘江发源于云南东部,在黔桂边界中部汇合北盘江后向东流入广西,始称红水河。柳江是西江的一条中型支流,发源于贵州南部,其上游称都柳江,流人广西境后称融江,汇合龙江后始称柳江,继续南流在象州石龙头汇入红水河。从地理上看,红水河与柳江(含其上游融江、都柳江,下同)在桂北西部围成一个不规则的三角形区域,其开口朝向贵州。境内大部分地区属于云贵高原向南岭山地和广西盆地的过渡地带,山岭为西北一东南走向,岭高谷深,林木茂密,仅山岭 Hongshui River is the main stream of the Pearl River waterway upstream of the Xijiang River. Its source Nanpanjiang originated in eastern Yunnan, in the middle of the border of Guizhou and Guangxi Beipan River convergence eastward into Guangxi, said the Red River. Liujiang is a medium-sized tributary of the Xijiang River, originating in the southern part of Guizhou. Its upper reaches are all known as Liujiang River. After flowing to Guangxi, it is called as a “river” and “Liujiang River” converges with Longjiang. Geographically, the Hongshuihe River and Liujiang River (including its upstream Rongjiang River and Dujiang River, the same below) form an irregular triangular area in the western part of western Guangxi with its opening facing Guizhou. Most of the territory belongs to the transitional zone between the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and the Nanling Mountains and the Guangxi Basin. The mountain ranges from northwest to southeast with high valleys and thick valleys,