身为现代人,我们的心情就像高速公路上来往的车辆一样瞬息万变,不管你是在朝为官还是在野为民,不管你是腰缠万贯的大款,还是不名一文的寒士,伴你一生的不是功名利禄、青春容颜,而是心情。心情可以左右你一生。 好心情可以使你的精神、体力、创造力呈OK状态。 坏心情足以毁掉你用一砖一瓦堆砌起来的东观自信,使琐事烦事闹心事一波三折向你迎头砸来,让你只有还手之心但无招架之力。 更多的时候,好心情和坏心情又是杂糅在一起的,时而情绪亢奋海阔天高舍我其谁,时而黯然神伤天塌地陷无处逃遁。这时你就拿出修改病句的勇气和敏捷来修改心情,实在不行就另起一行。 拥有好心情可以使你步入成功的殿堂,构筑爱的小屋,啜饮天伦之乐,品尝生活的温馨,可以使你活得更真实、更鲜活、更滋润、更潇洒。
As a modern person, our mood is just as fast changing as the vehicles on the highway. No matter whether you are in charge of the government or the public, whether you are a wealthy man or a nameless man, with your life Not fame and fortune, youthful appearance, but mood. Mood can affect your life. Good mood can make your spirit, physical strength, creativity is OK state. Bad mood enough to ruin your East with a pile of brick stacked up the self-confidence, trifles trouble trouble heart head-on to you, so you only have the power to fight back but no parry. More often, a good mood and a bad mood are mixed together, sometimes emotional excitement I am out of my heart, sometimes sadly fall into place nowhere to escape. Then you come up with the courage and agility to modify the sick sentence to modify the mood, it is impossible to go on a separate line. Have a good mood can make you step into the hall of success, building a love house, sipping family happiness, taste the warmth of life, can make you live a more real, more lively, more moist, more chic.