目的分析宁德市蕉城区2014年疑似预防接种异常反应(AEFI)的发生特征,评价AEFI信息管理系统运转情况。方法将AEFI个案数据导出Excel表格,用描述流行病学方法分析。结果蕉城区2014年共报告AEFI 35例,涉及12种疫苗,以国家免疫规划(NIP)疫苗为主,总发生率为19.13/10万剂次。AEFI及时报告率为88.6%,及时调查率、个案报告卡完整率和反应分类率均达100%。AEFI时间分布具有明显季节性,以小年龄组儿童为主,性别比为1.9∶1,82.9%的AEFI发生在接种后0~1d。病例均为不良反应,其中一般反应占88.6%,临床以发热、红肿、硬结为主;异常反应占11.4%,以卡介苗淋巴结炎为主。结论蕉城区AEFI病例以NIP疫苗为主,接种后0~1天是监测重点。一般反应报告发生率低于全国监测水平,监测系统敏感性有待提高。
Objective To analyze the occurrence characteristics of suspected AEFI in Jiaocheng District of Ningde City in 2014 to evaluate the operation of AEFI information management system. Methods The AEFI case data were exported to an Excel spreadsheet and analyzed using descriptive epidemiological methods. Results A total of 35 AEFI cases were reported in Jiaocheng District in 2014, involving 12 kinds of vaccines. The majority of them were vaccinated with the National Immunization Program (NIP), with a total incidence of 19.13 / 100,000 doses. AEFI timely reporting rate of 88.6%, timely investigation rate, case report card complete rate and response classification rate of 100%. The seasonal distribution of AEFI was seasonal, especially in children with small age. AEFI with sex ratio of 1.9:1 and 82.9% occurred 0 ~ 1 days after inoculation. Cases were adverse reactions, of which 88.6% of the general reaction, clinical fever, redness, induration; abnormal response accounted for 11.4% to BCG-based lymphadenitis. Conclusion The AIPI cases in Jiaocheng District are dominated by NIP vaccine, and 0 to 1 day after inoculation is the key point for monitoring. The incidence of general reaction reports is lower than the national monitoring level and the sensitivity of the monitoring system needs to be improved.