十八世纪,瑞典植物学家林奈(1707—78)一生花了大量心血,重新命名世界上的各种植物,把植物从混乱状态中理出了头绪。当他面对可可树(巧克力的原料)时,突然放弃了他的分类法,心中不禁涌出一股激情。他把可可树称作“神可可”、“神仙之食”,这是多么美的名字啊! 是的,在林奈降生之前的漫长岁月里,那种热带树便一直养育着人们的身心,今天,它又养育着一个数十亿美元的产业。最近,我踏着巧克力的足迹,走遍了非洲和巴西的可可林,并参观了欧美许多巧克力制作厂。用可可制成的褐色的清凉饮料,源源不断地从那些芳香四溢的生产线上流出来。
In the eighteenth century, the Swedish botanist Linnaeus (1707-78) devoted a great deal of his life to renaming plants in the world and drawing plants out of chaos. When he faced the cacao tree (the raw material of chocolate), he suddenly gave up his taxonomy, and his heart was full of excitement. What a beautiful name he calls the cacao tree “God Coco,” “The Immortal Food,” and yes, that kind of tropical tree has been nurturing people’s physical and mental life long before Linna’s birth It also bred a multi-billion dollar industry. Recently, I marched on the chocolate trail and traveled through cocoa forests in Africa and Brazil, visiting many chocolate factories in Europe and the United States. The brown, soft drink made from cocoa flows continuously from the aromatic lines.