中国共产主义青年团第三届第二次扩大会议于1925年秋在北京召开。这次会议讨论通过了《对于出席少共国际扩大会代表报告决议案》、《对 C·P 二次扩大会议代表报告决议案》等10个决议案,总结了共青团中央第三次代表大会后的工作情况,提出了加强共青团的建设与领导青年群众运动的任务。这是中国青年运动史上的一次重要会议,因此.搞清这次会议召开的确切时间是非常必要的。
The Third China Enlargement Meeting of the Communist Youth League was held in Beijing in the autumn of 1925. The meeting discussed and passed 10 resolutions on “Report on Representatives of Kyodo Communist International Enlargers” and “Resolution on Report on Representatives of CP Enlarged Enlarged Conference”, and summed up the resolution of the Third Central Committee of the Communist Youth League , Put forward the task of strengthening the construction and leadership of the CYL’s youth mass movement. This is an important meeting in the history of the Chinese youth movement, so it is imperative to find out exactly when the meeting will be held.