患者女性,26岁,营业员.因尿频、尿急、白带增多有腥臭味一周而来我院就诊.既往有过同病史,经青霉素治疗症状改善.其丈夫曾患有尖锐湿疣. 查体:污秽色稀薄的泡沫样分泌物自阴道口溢出,尿道口发红水肿,外围有两个粟粒大小粉红色疣状物,阴唇内侧及肛门周有同样皮损十余个单发或密集融合成乳头瘤样.阴道壁粘膜红,宫颈Ⅰ°糜烂,颈口外周7-8个粟粒大小疱疹呈簇集性及点状白色膜样物.
Female patient, 26 years old, salesperson. Due to frequent urination, urgency, leucorrhea increased stench week in our hospital. Previously had the same history, the symptoms of penicillin treatment to improve her husband had condyloma acuminata. Color thin foam-like secretions overflow from the vagina mouth urethra redness and edema, the outer two miliary pink verrucous, medial labial and anal week with the same lesions more than 10 solitary or dense fusion into papilloma Mucous red vaginal wall, cervix Ⅰ ° erosion, neck circumference 7-8 miliary size herpes were clustered and punctate white membrane-like samples.