目的探讨不同海拔地区高原驻训士兵训练倦怠的差异特点,为训练倦怠干预提供理论依据。方法采用随机整群抽样的方法,分别抽取高原驻训士兵650名和驻地士兵600名,采用士兵训练倦怠问卷进行比较分析。结果高原驻训士兵训练倦怠总分(25.80±4.0)及身心耗竭(12.37±3.41)、训练疏离(6.35±1.93)得分显著高于驻地士兵(分别为25.13±4.96、12.71±2.98、6.05±1.34),P<0.05或P<0.01。海拔4 250 m驻训士兵训练倦怠总分及身心耗竭得分显著高于海拔3 600 m士兵和3 960 m士兵(均P<0.05),训练疏离得分显著高于海拔3 600 m的驻训士兵(P<0.05)。结论不同海拔与高原驻训士兵训练倦怠可能存在一定的关系。
Objective To explore the differences of training burnout among soldiers in plateau at different altitudes, and to provide a theoretical basis for training burnout intervention. Methods A random cluster sampling method was used to extract 650 soldiers stationed in the plateau and 600 soldiers stationed in the station respectively. The soldiers training burnout questionnaire was used for comparative analysis. Results The total score of training burnout (25.80 ± 4.0) and physical and mental exhaustion (12.37 ± 3.41) and training alienation (6.35 ± 1.93) of soldiers in the plateau were significantly higher than those of the resident soldiers (25.13 ± 4.96, 12.71 ± 2.98 and 6.0 ± 1.34 respectively ), P <0.05 or P <0.01. Training burnout scores at 4 250 m above sea level were significantly higher than those at 3 600 m above sea level and 3 960 m soldiers (both P <0.05), and training and alienation scores were significantly higher than those at 3 600 m P <0.05). Conclusion There may be some relationship between altitude training and training burnout of soldiers stationed in the plateau.