
来源 :政府法制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dlxfmc
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东汉时,有一位名叫吴汉的将军,在追随刘秀争 夺天下时,每当有征战总是冲在前面。一次征战中,其 他将领见战事不利,都有畏惧之意,惟独吴汉意气自 若,整理器械,激励将士。刘秀当时也有退避之意,没 有表露,为了了解将领们当时对征战的态度,便派人 去察看大司马吴汉在做什么。察看的人回来报告,吴 汉正在修整攻战的器械。刘秀感叹地说:“吴公差强人 意,他那威严的样子就像一个敌国。”于是坚定了克敌 制胜的决心。吴汉每当受命出师,早晨接到命令,下午 便挥军出发,从不因私事耽搁。一次吴汉出征,他的妻 子置买了田宅。吴汉归来,责备妻子说:“将士在外打 仗,连性命都置之度外,谁还顾得上家业?我身为主 帅,将士们知道我在后方置买田宅,会怎么想呢?”事 后,吴汉把买的田宅全部分给了亲朋。 When the Eastern Han Dynasty, there is a general named Wu Han, Liu Xiu compete in the world to follow, whenever there is a campaign always red in front. In a campaign, other generals will see the adverse events of war, all with fear, but only Wu Han polite, finishing equipment, encourage officers and men. Liu Xiu also retreated at the time, did not reveal, in order to understand generals were on the battle attitude, they sent to see the big Sima Wu Han doing. Watch the people back to report, Wu Han is trimming the instruments of attack. Liu Xiu said with an exclamation: “Wu Gong is overbearing, his dignified appearance is like an enemy country.” “So determined to win the enemy’s determination. Whenever Wu Han was appointed as a teacher, he received an order in the morning and started his army in the afternoon. He never delayed his own affairs. A Wu Han expedition, his wife bought Tian field house. Wu Han returned, blaming his wife said: ”The soldiers outside the war, and even life are set aside, who also take care of the home? I as a coach, the soldiers know I bought the rear field house, what would happen?" Afterwards, Wu Han bought all the farmland to the relatives and friends.
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