开展创建活动 促进两个文明建设

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汉江集团公司于1996年10月18日挂牌成立,是一家以水利枢纽管理为主体,兼有多种经营的特大型企业,也是全国百家建立现代企业制度试点企业之一。多年来,公司党委始终坚持“两手抓、两手都要硬”的方针,在抓好物质文明建设的同时,开展创建文明单位活动,切实抓好精神文明建设,为物质文明建设提供精神动力、智力支持和思想保证,形成了两个文明建设同步发展、协调发展的良好局面。 一、立足根本抓建设,创建任务才能得到落实 在创建活动中,汉江集团公司立足于建设,主要从四个方面入手; 一是加强思想建设,抓好理论学习,提高对创建工作的认识水平。根据水利部党组和省委经贸工委的有关精神,结合企业的实际情况,把1998年确定为“理论学习年”,成立了“理论学习年”活动领导小组,召开了动员大会,开 Hanjiang Group Company was established on October 18, 1996. It is a large-sized enterprise with diversified management as its main body and one of the 100 pilot enterprises establishing a modern enterprise system in the country. Over the years, the party committees of the company have always adhered to the guideline of “grasping both hands and both hands hard”. While doing a good job of building material civilization, we have also carried out activities to establish civilized units, effectively grasp the building of spiritual civilization and provide spiritual impetus and material resources for the building of material civilization Support and ideological assurances have formed a sound situation in which the two civilizations are undergoing simultaneous development and coordinated development. First, based on fundamental construction, create the task to be implemented In the creation of activities, Hanjiang Group based on the construction, mainly from four aspects; First, to strengthen ideological construction, do a good job of theoretical study, to improve the level of awareness of the creation. According to the spirit of the Ministry of Water Conservancy Party Committee and the Provincial Committee of Economic and Trade Commission, combined with the actual situation of enterprises, 1998 was identified as “theoretical study year”, set up a “theoretical study year” leading group activities, mobilization meeting held
中国共产党优秀党员、国家民委原副主任、中国珠算协会原名誉会长文正一同志,因病于2003年3月14日在北京逝世,享年89岁。 文正一同志,朝鲜族,1914年生于吉林珲春,早年接触共
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