Nature and Sex: The Latitude and Longitude of Lady Chatterley’s Lover

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  【Abstract】Lady Chatterley’s Lover is D. H. Lawrence’s last novel. It is also one of the most controversial works in the world. A number of readers and critics only focus on its bold descriptions of sex, but they neglect the author’s serious motivation and deep thoughts about this topic. In addition, the remarkable descriptions of the environment in the novel, which fully show Lawrence’s views of the nature, is the other clue. Therefore, nature and sex are the very latitude and longitude to properly locate the novel, Lady Chatterley’s Lover.
  【Key words】sex; nature; industrialization
  As soon as Lady Chatterley’s Lover was first published in 1928, it was violently attacked and misread as a pornorgraphic writing and the author, D.H Lawrence, was also controversially criticized as “that dirty man”, “the prisoner of sex”, “son of woman”, “male chauvinist” and “an admirable astute politician”, who “saw in this two possibilities: it could grant women an autonomy and independence he feared and hated, or it could be manipulated to create a new order of dependence and subordination, another form of compliance to masculine direction and prerogative.” (Millett, 1970: 240-241) Since the judgement on July 21, 1959, in which Judge Bryan declared Lady Chatterley’s Lover was a literary masterwork that contained important ideas, a wave of re-evaluation and research has arisen.
  However, the lastingly controversial criticisms the book received and its extraordinary experiences unintentionally divert readers’ major attentions——their heads are occupied by merely the theme of mentally and physically harmony in love affairs, but the other one is always neglected, that is, criticism of industrialization and return to nature. How to understand the two themes appropriately? What the relations between them? How does D. H. Lawrence weave his works with the two? All these questions are a key to enter the door of Lady Chatterley’s Lover and to see its essence .
  David Herbert Richards Lawrence is the fourth child of a “disharmonious” couple. His father, “Arthur John Lawrence is one of the last generation who manage to escape from compulsory education in England.” As a result, he barely writes down his name correctly and becomes a miner at 10. “He tries to sensually enjoy life”, such as drinking and chatting and “refuses to worry about the misfortunes in reality”. His mother, Lydia Beardsall, is “totally different, neither in character nor in breeding”. She reads a lot and writes poems. She prefers to discuss religious, philosophical and political issues with well-educated men. “She is inflexibly self-confident as if she would never make any mistakes”. (Aldington, 1999: 4-7)   It is preditable that such a disharmonious couple nearly quarrel everyday and sometimes even resort to violence. The shadow induces Lawrence to think and debate about the mentally and physically harmony in relationship between men and women, even in a little more violent and radical way. “His deliberate decision to write about a woman’s adultery, to use taboo words, and to issue ‘my lady’ privately and under his own name insured him a choleric struggle with the ‘censor-morons.’” (Gertzman, 1989: 1)
  “As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.” “As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons.” (The Bible, 2003: 651-652) For lovers, women are as beautiful as “lily” and men, as attractive as “apple tree”. Therefore, it is not strange at all that the love and sex between women and men are so fascinating and sweet. But, “the trees of the wood” can be a maze and “thorns” hurt.
【摘要】英语绘本阅读不仅可以丰富学生的阅读生活,有效补充课堂教学, 而且能够提升学生的英语学科核心素养。教师可以紧密围绕提升学生的自主阅读品格这个核心任务,引导学生积极参与绘本阅读,激发阅读兴趣,提高阅读技巧,拓展思维,让学生在真实而深刻的阅读实践中实现英语自主阅读品格的快速提升。  【关键词】核心素养;小学生;英语绘本;自主阅读品格  【作者简介】李雅芬,甘肃省会宁县北关小学。  【基金项目】本
【摘要】概要写作是一种融阅读和写作为一体的控制性写作。概要写作是否到位,写前的阅读是关键。本文结合北师大版教学案例探讨了概要写作前如何指导学生开展有效阅读,即“读什么”——读文本信息、语言知识和情感态度,以及“怎么读”——判断文体及主旨,理清文本脉络和灵活多元释义,最后提出概要写作的三点教学建议。  【关键词】概要写作;有效阅读;高中英语  【Abstract】Summary writing is
【摘要】随着新课改的推进与实施,对于教育教学的要求越来越高,不仅要教会学生知识,提高学生能力,还要培养学生的核心素养,保证英语课堂教学的有效性。在初中英语教学中,教师要有效利用教学时间,尊重学生在课堂中的地位,发挥学生的主观能动性,调动学生的学习兴趣,使学生全身心地投入到英语课堂中,提高教学成效。本文就新课改下提高初中英语课堂教学的有效性策略进行深入的研究,希望学生在快乐的学习中掌握知识。  【关
【摘要】在线学习平台的实践应用作为现代高校应用教学过程的重中之重,是一项不可或缺的关键内容,直接关系到能否有效提升学生的英语学习综合能力和素质,促进学生英语学习的全面发展。高校英语教师要充分利用在线学习平台来加强与学生的互动交流,营造出轻松愉悦的学习氛围,从而最大限度地调动起学生自主学习的积极性和主动性,从而保障课堂教学效果。本文将进一步对在线学习平台在高校英语教学中的应用展开分析与探讨。  【关
【摘要】英语作为一门语言型学科,随着经济全球化的发展在我国教育中的地位越来越高,新课程改革下高中英语教学中也越来越注重英语语言技能的培养和提升,高中英语课堂教学也逐渐生活化、情境化。本文立足于此,浅谈高中英语课堂模拟情景教学的优势,进一步探究高中英语课堂教学中模拟情景教学实施策略。旨在通过本文的论述,能够将模拟情景教学发挥其最大优势,提高高中英语教学效率。  【关键词】高中英语;课堂教学;模拟情景
【摘要】自然拼读法是一个近年来在国内英语教学界被广泛关注的概念。随着教学改革的深入,自然拼读法的教学优势逐渐受到教育工作者的肯定和认可,而相关的研究也不断拓宽、深入。基于此,本文以新课程改革为背景依托,结合自然拼读法的基本概述,分析自然拼读法在小学英语教学中的应用优势,并探究相应的教学实践策略,以期对基础教育阶段的小学英语教学提供参考和借鉴。  【关键词】自然拼读法;小学英语;教学实践;应用措施 
【摘要】本文从开发课程资源的角度出发,阐述了如何将信息技术与高考英语词汇复习教学的深度融合来提高复习的有效性,从而提高学生的英语高考成绩。  【关键词】信息技术;高考词汇复习;深度融合 ;提高成绩  【作者简介】岑英,百色祈福高中。  一、引言  自从高考恢复一直到现在,高考也还是能够改变人们的命运的,不论是什么阶层的人,尤其对农村孩子或出身家境并不富裕的并想要改变现状提高自己生活水平的寒门子弟来
【摘要】德谟克利特曾说:“要使人信服,一句言语常常比黄金更有效。”在日常教学中,对学生英语语感进行培养显得尤为重要。当学生拥有较强的语感以后,他们会更加轻松地学习。语感对听、说、读、写有着神奇的推动作用,要高度重视语感培养。下面,笔者将针对英语教学中学生英语语感培养方法展开详细阐述,旨在促进学生基本技能提升。  【关键词】小学英语;语感;培养  【作者简介】蔡曼曼,福建省晋江市金井镇岱峰中心小学。