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随着中国经济发展速度的不断加快,我国金融体制改革和创新的范围、力度在不断增强,在竞争环境快速发展的大趋势下,中小企业应运而生并逐步成为发展社会生产力的主力军。着眼松原市中小企业的发展情况,不难发现从2010-2012年三年时间,全市中小企业暨民营经济主营业务收入实现1300亿元,年均递增30%的骄人成绩。但是我们不得不承认中小企业在发展过程中缺乏有效的担保形式和足够的抵押物,自我积累和发展能力较弱,负债率过高,信用状态欠佳,使中小企业的发展进入瓶颈期。本文作者曾在“资金中转站”——中小企业融资方式的创新一文中提出了设立中小企业资金中转站的设想,在本文中,作者希望进一步完善此设想并为其在松原市的具体应用中提出具体的实践流程和操作方法,以期逐渐解决小企业融资难的问题。 With the continuous acceleration of China’s economic growth, the scope and intensity of China’s financial system reform and innovation are constantly increasing. Under the general trend of rapid development of the competitive environment, SMEs emerged as the main force for the development of social productive forces. Focusing on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Songyuan City, it is not difficult to find that from the three years from 2010 to 2012, the city’s SMEs and private economy main business income to achieve 130 billion yuan, an average annual increase of 30% impressive results. However, we have to admit that SME lacks an effective form of guarantee and adequate collateral in the development process, has a weak self-accumulation and development capability, has a high debt-to-liability ratio and has a poor credit status. This has brought the development of SMEs into a bottleneck. The author of this article proposed the idea of ​​setting up a transfer station for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the article entitled “Funding Interchanges” - The Financing of SMEs. In this paper, the author hopes to further improve this concept and to make concrete suggestions on the specific The application of the specific practice processes and methods of operation, with a view to gradually solve the problem of small business financing difficulties.