
来源 :天津教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:looksky1989
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“九·一八”以后,日本帝国主义在中国抓走了大批华工。在天津抓骗华工的机构,最早是在日租界福岛街(今多伦道)靠河沿处的“大东公司”。这个公司在日本总领事馆和驻屯军司令部的支持下,专门进行这一罪恶勾当。他们用诱骗与绑架等手段抓捕华工。在河东地道口,常有强行绑架之事。地道外的旅店,有的就是他们诱捕投宿平民的陷井,南开体育场和南市原大舞台那个地方,都曾做为华工的临时食宿场所。据储运公司老工人回忆,当年日寇仅在十一经路码头就抓走华工369人。据不完全统计,从“七七”事变到1942年7月,在天津被抓的华工有五万余人。从1942年到1945年,日寇抓华工最多,在华北各地抓捕的青壮年也运到天津集中,再转运到东北或日本,仅在1942年头七个月就达七十余万人。 After September 18, Japanese imperialists seized a large number of Chinese laborers in China. The agency that seized laborers in Tianjin was originally the “Dadong Company” located along the riverside at Fukushima Street (now Duolun Road) on the Japanese concession. The company, with the support of the Japanese Consulate General and Garrison Command, devoted this evil activity. They used captives and abductions to capture Chinese workers. Hedong in the mouth, there are often forced to kidnap things. Out-of-the-inn hotel, some of them trapped innocent citizens trap, Nankai Stadium and the original stage of Nanshi that place, have served as temporary shelter for laborers. According to memories of the old workers in the storage and transportation companies, the Japanese invaders seized 369 laborers of Chinese laborers only in the terminal of the 11th passage. According to incomplete statistics, from the “July 7 Incident” to July 1942, more than 50,000 Chinese workers were arrested in Tianjin. From 1942 to 1945, the Japanese aggressors seized the largest number of laborers, and the young and middle-aged arrested in various places in North China were also transported to Tianjin for concentration and then to the Northeast or Japan for an average of more than 700,000 in the first seven months of 1942.
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